If I wanted to work for a company that required me to be in a union, I would seriously consider how badly I want the job. If it is a great opportunity and a job that means a lot to me, I would most likely join the union as asked. The reason I feel this way is because a union is great to work under if it is beneficial to you. Benefits include increase compensation, equality, seniority, consistency and employee representation. With advantages like these, a job that you are looking to profoundly excel in is one to choose.
If the union called a strike over an issue I did not agree with, I would look for another job. It is not worth risking the incredible loss of pay in a strike. Strikes are a bad idea for many reasons. One, you are not guaranteed your job back and two, you will take the loss of however many months pay the strike takes. I would take a lesser paying job before I would sit for a strike I do not stand for.
If I HAD to belong to get a paycheck, issues that concern me would include incentives based on seniority, cost of union dues, majority rules and competition. I would look into these issues because they affect my paycheck and how well I do in the company.
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